
A Program of
Connecting Minds

Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a positive place to be from 8-3 working side by side to run the clubhouse for individuals in mental health recovery that have a desire to soar to new heights. Individuals benefit by learning new skills, building confidence to progress on life's journey, and meaningful relationships.
Referral from a therapist
Connect with a therapist, if you and the therapist feel as though Elev8 will be a good fit they will send a referral to Elev8.
Tour of Elev8
Elev8 will call and arrange a tour of the clubhouse with you once the referral has been approved, a complimentary lunch is included.
We’re Here For You
Elev8 is a Clubhouse that provides individuals with a supportive network that includes educational opportunities, vocational and life skills training, employment opportunities, and assistance with housing resources. The environment is designed to foster friendships and maintain a sense of belonging and well-being. Members take an active role in the governance and operation of the program. Our Clubhouse is built upon the belief that every member can recover from the effects of mental illness to lead a personally satisfying life. We accomplish this by working side by side doing meaningful work and in the process forming strong relationships. Members are dedicated to one another's success - no matter how long it takes or how challenging it is. Our program is organized around a belief in the potential for productive contributions from everyone, in spite of the serious effects of mental illness. Inspired by Clubhouse International.

Our Services

Members must call by 8:30 am for a ride.
Members will be given a ride home at the following time:
Monday - Thursday
3:00 PM
(After activity) 1:40 PM
Our vehicles will also shuttle you to and from weekly activities.
Sit back, relax, and let us handle the transportation for you!
Transitional Employment
Transitional employment is a time-limited job opportunity, usually 6-9 months in duration. For the TE, the employer supplies an open part-time position. In turn, the clubhouse provides qualified, highly motivated candidates who have already been actively participating in the work-ordered day of the clubhouse program. TE positions belong to the clubhouse, not to the individual employee, so coverage is guaranteed. As such, if an employee is absent for any reason, our staff will cover the shift free of charge to the employer.
Supported Employment
Work is important to all of us. It is a key component of a healthy and productive life. Elev8 provides resources for employment services and support to those who are ready to take that step. Employing a model called Individual Placement and Support (IPS), helping individuals prepare for and find work at regular jobs of the member's choosing.
Educational Skills
We can assist you with obtaining your GED, driver's license, and higher education, and we also offer tutoring.
Elev8 provides an opportunity to learn vocational skills such as web design, cooking, janitorial work, and data collection.
Elev8 Clubhouse
515 W 200 N
Ste B
St George, Utah